Good car care is its own reward but it has long-term benefits of savings and extended car life.
Lots of statistics are being thrown around these days, but one that’s pretty eye-opening comes from the non-profit Car Care Council: 80 percent of vehicles need service, a new part and/or repair. The council has named April as “National Car Care Month.”
“With so many vehicles in need of service, National Car Care Month in April serves as an important reminder to take action today so you can depend on your vehicle down the road,” said Rich White, the council’s executive director. “It’s easy to postpone vehicle maintenance when things get busy, but don’t put it off. Addressing minor service needs before they become major will help you avoid unexpected car trouble and unplanned costly repairs.”
The council reports that vehicles inspected at community car care events held throughout the country in 2015 failed one or more aspects of the inspection process. Some areas posting the highest failure rates include: low fluid levels (washer fluid, 26 percent failed; engine oil, 23 percent; and coolant, 19 percent); clogged or dirty air filters, 19 percent; illuminated check engine light, 13 percent; worn belts, 13 percent; and needed battery service and wiper blade replacement, 13 percent and 12 percent, respectively.
“Many maintenance needs are quick and inexpensive to resolve, so it’s easy to make auto care a priority during National Car Care Month,” White said.
One of the easiest, and most rewarding, ways to get that basic car care done is to trust your car or truck to Don's Tire and Service. Don's Tire has been the trusted car care and car repair service center in Merced for almost 60 years.
It doesn't take long. Drop by Don's Tire for that basic service and our certified car care and car repair techs will have you on your way to the John Denver tribute concert in no time.
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