The hot weather of Merced's summer is here. Make sure your auto air conditioner is ready.
You plan to take the kids to see the fossil exhibit at the Merced County Library today. It's one of the many summer outings you've planned for your children and, considering the weather forecast, it has the advantage of being indoors. It's great to do things with your kids, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration wants you to remember that children are especially susceptible to heat stroke and you should never leave a child alone in a car. And, if you have really small children, you should always check your back seat before you lock the car and walk away.
"Unfortunately, even great parents can forget a child in the back seat," the NHTSA says. "Other risk factors include caregivers who aren’t used to driving kids or whose routine suddenly changes."
Cars can get hot even when they're not parked. If you're sitting in the front seat with the auto air conditioner blowing on you, you might not notice that the back seat isn't as cool. And, if your auto air isn't working quite right, it might not be as noticeable to you as to the small child sitting behind you. Child safety is one of the many reasons drivers need to get their auto air checked to make sure it's working. And, if your auto air is broken, you need to get it fixed asap. It really can be a matter of life or death.
The Merced auto air conditioner experts at Don's Tire and Service can help you. Don's Tire has been the trusted auto air, car care and car repair service in Merced since it opened almost 60 years ago.
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