Make sure your tires are ready for the long holiday weekend in the Central Valley.
Well, here we are at the July 4 three-day holiday weekend. And, as usual, there are plenty of agencies and organizations offering road safety tips. You know most of them: fasten your seat belt, never drink and drive, designate a sober driver, don't text and drive, distracted driving is dangerous driving. But among those tips, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles offers this bit of safety advice:
"Check your tires before you take a trip. Properly maintaining and inspecting your tires before a long trip is a key step in keeping your family safe while traveling. It is crucial that motorists educate themselves on the importance of maintaining proper tire pressure and inspect tire tread and damage on a regular basis in order to avoid potentially fatal tire failure and rollover crashes."
That's great advice whether you're leaving Merced for a short or long road trip. It's also good advice even if you're hanging around the Merced area to go to the children's art show at the Carnegie Arts Center or one of the other activities over the Fourth of July weekend. Accidents because of bad tires can happen anywhere. And, even you don't have an accident, who wants to cope with a flat tire when you'd rather be having fun?
The best place to go for tire service or new tires in Merced is Don's Tire and Service. Don's Tire has been Merced's trusted tire care and new tire company since 1973. Don's Tire has certified car care and car repair technicians to serve you. And, if you need new tires, Don's Tire stocks all brands, sizes and styles to fit any driving need.
Merced Tires | Tires Merced | Merced July 4 | Fourth of July Merced | Don's Tire and Service
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