Summertime, with its road trips and other fun, is on the horizon. Time to get those tires checked and that car care done.
Summertime is just around the corner. And, you want to make sure your car is in good working order before you head out whether it's a long road trip, a day trip, or just a trip to the Merced Theatre to see Jay Owenhouse.
A good place to start is on the ground. Or at least the parts of your car or truck that touch the ground - the tires. Readers Digest warns that you should "be prepared. Tires are more prone to blowouts in the hot summer months, because drivers are often on a sizzling road with the heavier loads for longer periods of time."
Readers Digest adds, "Underinflated tires are most at risk, since the lack of air pressure puts the tires' components under increased strain; but overinflated ones are more likely to hydroplane in a summer rainstorm."
Of course, the best place to get your tires checked is Don's Tire and Service. Don's Tire has been Merced's trusted car care and car repair shop for almost 60 years. Don's certified auto technicians will make sure your tires are good to go on that road trip or that jaunt around Merced. And, if you happen to need new tires, Don's Tire carries all sizes, brands and styles to fit any vehicle or driving need.
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