Remember that promise you made to yourself about getting regular basic car care? Time to get started.
Between work, family activities and all that's going on in the Merced area, it can be really hard to remember - and keep - those new year's resolutions. Like that one about car care and promising to keep up with basic maintenance on your car or truck.
After all, as points out, "Basic car maintenance really isn't that hard." And, the process applies "to pretty much every car owner, from business fleet owners, to specialists like a limo service, to the weekend hobbyist."
Perhaps it's that very simplicity that makes it so easy to forget or put off. After all, you think, "I can delay that oil change for another week while I go here or do that." Or, "that tire really doesn't look as if it's underinflated. It's just my imagination." Then, poof! Your tire goes flat or your engine dies and you end up kicking yourself. So you made that resolution to provide regular car care and now you're at the end of January and you haven't gotten your car checked yet.
So, now is definitely the time to stop putting things off and get that routine of regular car care started by dropping by Don's Tire and Service to have your car checked out. It really doesn't take long and, when it's done, you can go out and have fun without having to worry about your car.
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