Regular car care will keep your carriage from turning into a pumpkin.
When you're learning to play golf it might seem like a fairy tale dream has come true when you reach par that first time. But that dream won't come true without regular practice. That's true of any sport, or anything you do in life. Car care is also like that. Do it regularly and, instead of making par, you win a long-lasting car that has few major troubles. Keeping your car for a long time is money in the bank, says the nonprofit Car Care Council.
“The smartest way to get a solid return on your vehicle investment is to keep your car through what we call the ‘Cinderella Era.’ That’s the period of time after the payoff when your car is still in great shape and needs only modest repairs,” said Rich White, the council's executive director. “With proper care, the typical vehicle should deliver at least 200,000 miles of safe, dependable performance, and that’s no fairy tale.”
And it doesn't cost much to do that regular car maintenance - just about the amount of one car payment can take care of a year's care, the council says. That would involve keeping up with the most common maintenance procedures: checking the oil, filters and fluids, the belts and hoses, brakes, tires and air conditioning. The council also recommends an annual tune-up and wheel alignment.
“Whether it’s an oil change, replacing brakes or new belts and hoses, that periodic repair bill is a drop in the bucket compared to monthly payments on a new car,” said White. “The end of the story is that a properly maintained vehicle is safer, more dependable, more fuel efficient, less polluting and more valuable.”
Drivers in Merced have a destination car service center for basic car care and car repairs: Don's Tire and Service. Don's Tire has been the trusted, reliable Merced car care center in Merced for almost 60 years.
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